Friday, August 17, 2012

Us and why

My oldest son is smart. I don't say that to brag, he just is. He is also very uncoordinated -he gets that from me. I want to work on both. The first one is much easier for me to help with so most of the second one goes to daddy.
My younger son is also smart, but unlike his brother, he got that super-sporty gene from his daddy.
Since C began talking, we have worried about his education. My husband is a teacher, in the public system, and so we have seen first hand how kids, both gifted and not-so, can fall through the cracks.
C is currently at a public kindy, 2 and a half days a week. He goes to socialise as we have been told, and he is "taught" things he has known since before he reached 18 months. C has an insatiable appetite for learning. He has a terrific memory, and seems to just get stuff. He isn't a genius, but he is bright. So we have found ourselves teaching him at home, encouraging his love of learning and preparing him for full time school.
I am not a Nazi, I don't make a four year old sit for hours on end reciting his times tables. We simply supply the resource and he takes it upon himself to learn. Some days he does 10 mins, other days he will spend a couple of hours at a time happily doing "school". It is up to him and more often than not he will choose to do a bit of school.
So that's where this blog comes in- the resources. I have found it nigh on impossible to find resources that are both aimed at Australian students, and don't cost a fortune. Next year he starts at a private school, we don't have the funds to be buying homeschooling packages that he may or may not use. He enjoys all my little hand-made resources, and so hopefully so will other kids. I find ideas on the web or through necessity watching him learn of following a tangent of some conversation we are having that is full of questions. and then when my cherubs are tucked up in bed I tap out the next sheet ready for tomorrow.
Oh and what about my youngest N? He is at that wonderful age- not quite two, exploring the world and learning from all the Montessori inspired activities that I have kept from when C was that age. He will get a few mentions along the way, he loves to be just like his big brother!
So please join me, feel free to use my resources with your little ones and if you have any questions, ask away :)

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